1 year ago

Its done the charater is....

Gizmo yes my fav game all time ( also the winter beat) i finished it here have the old one and the new one

Oh yea the old its because i make the other hand to big so i make new on



Next up


This is a another one for @1vjf

Its still in sketching so its not final

Takara tomy who Made Beyblade just give us a peak of the new cx Bey im so excited to see people unboxing but i cant affored it so... That ok oh yea the name is dran brave

Vayan a seguir la primera entrega de la Saga Emulator!

(Leer toda la descripción)



Right now, vayan a seguir el regreso de Frankie´s ahora basado 100% en los originales.


Its done ! that was fast.

So! I was bored and my test is over i do some of you know pfp of my friend and i make pfp of....

@eliasggpro72 !!!!

Hope you like and i have three Variation of the color cause i edit it pick what you like :)


Still in progress
