Goldbears great adventure

5 years ago

Its finally done (well like one day ago)

Here it is. the FINAL update only 5 lurkers waited for.


  • re tileseted levels ( while still having thier original charm)

  • New weapons

  • New songs (credit to Metal and JimBeatz for new boss themes)

  • New weapons, armor items and more.

  • Fxed or redoned dialog

  • Spelling errors fixed

  • Censored some really offensive language (but you might still get what some charathers are saying. plz nu triggerd)


  • characters now have extra sprites (meaning they can now go indie and stuff)

  • new enemys based on randomness and memes.

  • replaced some minor sound effects

  • redone the game's intro to make it more clear

  • nerfed and buffed some bosses.

  • walking now has a sound.mp4

  • And so much moar i dont remember.

I guess if the normal battle version is done, i can finally work on spoon the boon now. and some other project that have been on hold sinds i have been working on this game. This being the true ending of this game's development makes me a bit relieved tbh. but it still have been truly a fun experience. so yeah i dont know what to say now. uh yeah go try it out. i think you might enjoy it. if not that sucks, but share it anyway. maybe your comrades like it ironically how much this games humor is. so until then im heading out.



Next up

lo add scrennshotys now. should done that long ago lol

Normal battle system out now

play pls

funny meme

you know what forget what i said+ i update the game whatever i feel like it

we were so close m8s

gga 2 on hold

bvb better win next season

dont minmd me noob jhust readimng trails g0ets trolled

urgewn hey allowas

nah i aint dead vro.

no projects still for now

for now fr

if you read this. gamejolts hot system is freaking rigged no tell hhhh

fanart plz tfw fan art on 2nd update

ALMOST DONE LADS its almost complete it was suppost to be a add on spells update but i desided to fix and improve the game like it sould look like and yes i fixed a hella lotta bugs and mistakes. and way more are added so stay tuned