Friday Night Funkin' Human Imposter Reimagined + Vs Impostor V5 but Human spin-off

9 months ago

Its official! We're using the Pokemon version of Toby Fox



Next up

Me but Im a parasite!

We need some remixers for the Vs Human Impostor Reimagined mod. If you want, you can upload your work for the ad or send me a friend request. But what is Vs Human Impostor Reimagined?

Week 2 update out now!

Pixel stuff

Yay! WIP page for the mod is on Gamebanana!

Also, a sprite teaser

Friday Night Funkin'.

Me but Human

Im officially now doing voice acting commissions!…

Naisonji !

Well, after seeing that the original mod is coming back, we decided to do remixes for our mod instead