Greetings Travelers,
I really am bad at social media and I always fear to write something, because someone can get it the wrong way. Also I am having a thought time at the moment and a lot to do.
About the Game, I am working on some Contract work at the moment, because I need to eat too. When I have time I gonna rework this Project, because I got a lot of positive feedback. But before I rework the Game I want to rework the Design, I want to make it more interactive. I have a lot in mind to archive it , but I need to craft them together so that all of them make fun together.
I also really hate the Controls, I need a new way to control the Game, because I really like the 3D aspect of the Game. And I really like the Ocolus version of it. It is still going to be a Multiplayer / Singleplayer game.
Yeah that’s almost all that I wanted to say, I gonna work on the Project but sadly I can’t start now, because I must concentrate on the Contract work.
Thank you all for Playing the Game
Good luck our there