Hey, it's been a while! Welcome back to my montly-ish blog post! :D
For a while now I've been creating the fourth chapter of the game. This one will be quite different from everything else in the game though... It's hard to explain it without spoiling the game, but essentially, you're sent back to the starting area and just kind of let loose. It opens up and turns into this sort of mini-metroidvania, where your objective is to rescue a bunch of small cute animals! Actually maybe it's more of a collectathon then? I dunno excatly XD
This means it's a lot less linear than the rest of the game. There's pros and cons to it... the drawback is I have a lot of level design to do if I want to make all the areas you can visit interesting, and players could easily get lost or confused with where to go. But it also means I can make some more challenging puzzles, because if you're stuck, well, there's plenty of others you can try. There are a lot more animals out there than how many you actually need to proceed, you'll only have to find 20 of them. I'm thinking there'll be around 30-50 in total but that depends on how much time I have.
I'm designing the puzzles quite differently - essentially I'm creating small bite-sized puzzle rooms, which I can then make an entrance to wherever I want. Earlier the "goal" of puzzles has just been to progress forwards or to the next room, but now the goal is always to get to the animal and save it.
Of course, like any good metroidvania, I've added a cool unlockable ability! When exploring you'll find these one-block gaps that you can't get through, preventing you from reaching certain areas. Even bob is too tall to get through. Take a look at the picture, maybe you can figure out what it will be? ;)
Oh well, I'm off to start creating the final chapter! I'm super excited about it, especially the final boss & ending which will hopefully turn out super epic! And before you go, make sure you have the game wishlisted on steam! I already have about 130 wishlists which is really cool :)