You've read the title, the game page for Jerry's Tale 2: A New Millennia is officially public! Go follow it, share it with your friends, and all that fun stuff! The link is above this block of text! Now, I'm gonna quickly state a few things about the page and the game below.
No Gameplay Screenshots?
As of now, there are no gameplay screenshots, that is because the gameplay is nowhere near what I'd consider "Screenshot worthy." I just wanna make sure you guys have screenshots that are as close to the final product as possible. That is why the teasers have been uploaded for now
Gamejolt API??
Yep, this game will contain Gamejolt API! You can view the list of trophies by clicking on the tab near the bottom of the page header that reads, "Trophies." 16 Trophies are planned to be in this game. This is my first time implementing this feature so I'm anxiously excited to see how it goes. I may even add Gamejolt API to Jerry's Tale: Vicissitude for fun, who knows.
Why Q1 Of 2022?
For those who don't know Q1 of a year would be from January 1st to March 31st. Now that that is out of the way, I chose this time period because it gives me a good amount of time to work on the game without stressing about a specific release date while also giving you guys a general time frame to keep in mind. I've been working on this game a little since early June, I consider the game's development to have started on June 3rd. This means the game will be in active development for 7 months at the least, and 9 months at the most. The longest active development time for ANY of my games to date.
Welp, that's all I have to say! I hope you guys are excited for the game! This is the most fun I've had making a game in a very long while. Please share the game page around, let's get this game more followers than Vicissitude! The new teaser is shown below!
Hope you all have a good day wherever you are :)

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