But now, a month later, the final one for Series One of 2018 of Parody Mascots of Jax Justun Studios has finally been created!!!! Here's the official JJS Parody Bio Poster for none other then "Mr. Eyesaur", the official and second hand-made parody mascot that was originally made and created from the owner and founder of Jax Justun Studios known as "Nave Jonnson"!!! And because since it's the #210thYearAnniversaryEvent for Jax Justun Studios, they'd decided to design this one as the best as they'd could here!!!!!! And they weren't kidding here, not at all folks!!!! Just look at it!!!!! Comparing it to the other ones that I'd made here!!!!!
This one was the best one yet!!! And I'm super DUPER sorry for this one to take so long to get through and everything!!!!!! I guess there was so much other happening and everything, like the first and spotted rediscoveries of Draxx Dustun Studios, and many other things that were based around Haxx Hustun Studios..........But this one here had to be pushed back a bit due to some difficulties with some storaging issues with the file folders for only Jax Justun Studios!!!!!! But here we all are at last!!!! And with that, all of the official JJS Parody Bio Posters for all of the parody mascots from Series One of 2018's has finally been completed!!!! Nearly three months of waiting, and all of them had finally been made!!!!!
Thanks for sticking by with me you guys!!!! But fear not, more of these things will be out shortly until everything's ready to go here!!! That means the official JJS Parody Bio Posters for the parody mascots and the parody cameo mascots from Series One AND Two of both 2018 and 2019 will soon have theirs until again, everything's like now ready to start and design/model and everything!!!!!! Be safe you guys, and have a wonderful and safe afternoon and Halloween!!!!! #WelcomeTo210YearsOfJJS!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!! #MrEyesaurLovesYouAll!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!! #JaxJustunStudiosLovesYouAllToo!!!!!!!!