The official #22ndJJSparodyDepiction has finally arrived for today's Christmas Special here in/on 2024!!!!! Here's the official #22ndParodyMascot from Jax Justun Studios for Series Three of 2020!!!!! Even during the worst moments of all time, "Mrs. Gallopsasien" was one of the most famous hand-made parody mascots of all time!!!! Officially created from Nave Jonnson and his son and daughter back on February 14th, 1989 "Valentine's Day of 1989", she was the most famous parody mascot of all time!!!!!! Wait a minute here??? Didn't I already said that already???? Anyways, the point is, Mrs. Gallopsasien was actually been in parody development since March 22nd, 2009, she was yet another OC/Legacy Parody Mascot that had some really rough times all around here and there!!!!! But of course folks, future updates will be shown off all for Mrs. Gallopsasien for next time!!!!!
But anyways folks, hope you all enjoying your Christmas Day of 2024 so far!!!!!!! YES!!!! Mine was a bit on the chaotic side, but after a fun time at lunch, everything was already perfect at the very end!!! I'll let you all know also on what gifts I got during Christmas!!!! And of course, I'd already set up the official list of all of the #DDSparodyMascots for Series Seven of 2025!!!!!! Five or six of them are only available here and the recalled parody mascots and the parody cameo mascots won't out until for later on!!!!! As always folks, stay tuned for some more future updates!!!! And yes, let me know what you all think about this official #22ndJJSparodyDepiction here folks!!!!!!! At least this one here kind of makes a bit more sense then the other ones!!!! And it also has a few new official details on it as well too!!!! Not the best though, but it was simple to make I guess!!!! Anyways, I'll see you all next time!!! And yes!!!!! One more thing before I go!!!!
As you already know by now, there's only one more official #JJSvideo left to create for December of 2024, and that official video will hopefully be the official list of all of the parody mascots and parody cameo mascots from Jax Justun Studios from Series Four (Parts One and Two) of 2021!!!!!! Stay tuned for some more future updates on all of that!!!! And yes, once more, I will be taking my times and efforts on that video alone!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!! #TheHandMadeParodyMascots #AreActuallyFriendsLikeUs!!!!!!! #MerryChristmasFromEveryParody #AndEveryoneFromMinecraftia #AndOfCourseJaxJustunStudios!!!!! #Happy210YearsAsWellTooJJS!!!!!!!!!!!