And it was from the official #JJSarchivedFolders!!!! It's the official #23rdJJSparodyDepiction for the official #23rdParodyMascot from Jax Justun Studios from......Yeah, you all know the rest!!!!! And it's none other for "Vatt Vadder Plant"!!!!! Created back on this day alone, around December 26th, 2000, nearly 24 years ago (or 25 years ago when it hits 2025 next week), this parody mascot had so much official controversy here folks!!!!! But more future updates on all of that later on!!!!!! But that also speaks for itself I guess!!!! Vatt Vadder Plant may had many screw-ups and slip-ups since his 24 or 25 years in parody development from Jax Justun Studios here!!!! And of course, his official #ParodyDepiction makes no sense at all here!!!!! Who even says that saying words that are bad can lead people into some controversial events???? Well, all of this stuff here's all fake and make believe here.......So yeah, it is all just fantasies folks!!!!!
But anyways, that's the final post for today/tonight you guys!!!! I know there wasn't much for today because I was still pooped out from Christmas yesterday!!!!! And yes!!!! The very end of that day was already getting better and everything!!!! Anyways folks, I'll be taking a few days for some break times for creating the episodes/chapters for the #JJSchroniclesSeries because I wanted to save the rest of those future episodes/chapters for next year of course!!!!! YES!!!! I'll be at college around that time too!!! Anyways folks, hope you're all loving these #ParodyDepictions that I'm making here so far folks!!!!! More will be out sooner then later!!!!! #GoodnightAndSeeYou #AllinTheNextFutureUpdates!!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #WelcomeTo210YearsOf #ParodiesOfJaxJustunStudios!!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!! #HappyEarlyNewYearFromAll #PCsAndPPCsFromJJS!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!!!
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