Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Adventures in High School with Ian & Coco in: S.A.W (Snakes At War)

2 months ago

JJS Parody Depiction #26 (For Lord Virus) - Created on: January 9th, 2025 We'd finally found the official #26thJJSparodyDepiction for "Lord Virus", the official #26thPC of Jax Justun Studios from Series Four of 2021!!!!!

While NarchGraites Pictures were just kicking back and relaxing at the beach today at some nearby water park, one of their workers had found an official #JJSarchivedParodyCreation hidden aways inside of the old parody files and folders all from Jax Justun Studios!!!!!! It was of course, the official #26thJJSparodyDepiction for none other then the official #26thParodyMascot from Jax Justun Studios for Series Four of 2021 known as Lord Virus!!!!!! Created and designed from January 9th, 1972, through December 19th, 1997, nearly like 25 years in parody development, Lord Virus was one of the second to first parody virus computer mascots that was ever created to protect any official computer software and/or hardware from any pyros, hackers, and many other bad people online!!!!! Unfortunately, due to the fact that the internet was changing a lot over those years of time, the parody programing and softwares and his very own official website wasn't aging all that pretty well!!!!!

Around until April 12th, 2009 through January 10th, 2012, Lord Virus and his parody mascot personalities and techniques had changed and altered a bit!!!!! He was now known to be an official parody mascot friendly virus assistant that helps students of all ages to find the rightful and perfect school that fits in just right for them!!!! Same as for jobs, workspaces, colleges of course, summer jobs, and many more!!!! I mean, his depiction had stayed the same, but what can you all do huh???? Let's not forget that his official voice actor was none other then "Frenflick Jenfilms" back on August 1st, 2020!!!!! The reason why he was originally his original voice was because Frenflick Jenfilms had sadly retired from voice acting!!!!! Thankfully though, since October 20th, 2022, Lord Virus's final voice actor was none other then Frenflick Jenfilms's high school friend, known as "Fredbonnie ChiFoxy"!!!!! Since then, he still plays Lord Virus and his crazy parody ways!!!!!!

Fredbonnie ChiFoxy was also known to be the official person that officially created and designed Lord Virus from January 9th, 1972, through December 19th, 1997, again nearly like 25 years in parody development!!!!!!! And yes!!! He was also the exact and same person that also done them other changes around from April 12th, 2009 throughout January 10th, 2012, when Lord Virus and his parody mascot personalities and techniques had changed and altered a bit!!!!! Why did I said the same sentences twice here??? Anyways, see folks, I'd told you all that I'll be still creating these easy and simple parody creations!!!! Stay tuned for some more and I will see you all next for more future updates about Lord Virus and his crazy parody past backstories!!!!!!!!! #SAWincStillAliveAndWell?????? #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #Happy210YearsJaxJustunStudios!!!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!! #LordVirusWasntAlwaysLike......... #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!!!!



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2018 Parody Characters #3 & #4 - Jeffrrey & Gridget (Both Created on: January 5th, 2024) Today's DDS/JJS parody TTCD Recorded broadcast is two times more crazier then ever!!!!!!

JJS Parody Depiction #33 (For Lav SHawnna) - Created on: February 2nd, 2025 Can you all believe that it's the #2ndDay of #FebOf2025, the last day of the one year anniversary of the "Vaccum Brothers"!!!!

2024 DDS Parody Character #22 - Zauffeey (Created on: March 5th, 2025) Not again folks!!!! Thankfully folks, this official #22ndDDSparodyMascot's not so massive like the other ones that we'd seen before already this month here in 2025!!!!!


JJS Parody Depiction #36 (For Mr. Loveva Day) - Created on: March 2nd, 2025 Today's March 2nd, 2025, and we here at Jax Justun Studios are all FINALLY back from our beloved 5 month/2 year long vacation!!!!!

Rat Race Production Update

2024 DDS Parody Cameo Character #42 - Leggy (The Inner ONE) Versions #1, #2, & #3 - From The SMG4 Universe Series We here at DDS have yet another official SMG4 character joining our parody cameo rosters of official #DDSparodyMascots!!!!!!

2021 Parody Character #36 - Mr. Loveva Day (Created on: April 19th, 2024) Hello folks!!!!! We here at Jax Justun Studios wanted to share you guys the official #36thParodyMascot from Series Four of 2021 once again!!!!!


2025 DDS Parody Character #41 - Wattaw Fountten (Created on: March 6th, 2025) Today's now March 6th, 2025, the one year anniversary when first saw the second official parody mascot of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!!