Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Adventures in High School with Ian & Coco in: S.A.W (Snakes At War)

3 months ago

JJS Parody Depiction #28 (For Mr. Saxaphone) - Created on: January 11th, 2025 Hey everybody, it appears that Jax Justun Studios aren't much of some morning people, but HT Band Entertainment is!!!!! Jan. 11th, 2025 was when this guy was created!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alongside his official #28thJJSparodyDepiction included here!!!!! Officially created from Jax Justun Studios back on January 11th, 2002, we here at HT Band Entertainment have finally found "Mr. Saxaphone", the official #28thParodyMascot from Series Four (Parts One and Two) of 2021!!!!!! Let's also not forget that HT Band Entertainment had also heard that was also known to part of the other parody mascots known as the "Parody Legacy Mascots" of Jax Justun Studios!!!!!!! And yes, it appears that Mr. Saxaphone's official parody depiction makes like no sense at all here!!!! Obviously though, he was based around music and instruments, so yeah!!!!! So yeah folks, hope you guys are like again, enjoying these simple and easy parody creations that I'm making so far!!!!! Sorry if I have to cut this short because my schedule for next week's like all over the place here!!!!!

I will of course give you guys some more future updates on all of that okay???? Same as for the official parody lore, backstories, histories, and the development parody phases of Mr. Saxaphone as well too!!!! For now folks, see you all next time and have a safe weekend!!!!! #WelcomeBackToSAWinc!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #WelcomeTo210YearsOfJJS!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!!!! #LegacyParodiesDontLieHere!!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!!!!!

(Happy New Year Wishes from all of the Legacy Parody Mascots all from Jax Justun Studios!!!! Mr. Saxaphone and his other legacy parody friends will be the best they can here all over 2025!!!!!)



Next up

JJS Parody Depiction #35 (For Gloveday) - Created on: February 26th, 2025 Well guys, I'd told you all that I was tired from work last night!!!!! But thankfully though, (AND FINALLY) an official Jax Justun Studios has finally been revealed!!!!!

DDS Parody Depiction #7 (For Mrs. Pieya-Face) - Created on: March 29th, 2025 Oh boy!!! My allergies are acting up again!!! Hopefully, not as worse-er then before!!!!! But hey, this matches today's post here on March 29th, 2025!!!!

2018 Parody Cameo Character #2 - Smudger - From the FNAF Fan-Made Series called "Five Nights at Smudger's" Can you all even believe if a little green engine's officially known to be a parody cameo mascot of Jax Justun Studios???? Really??? That's a NO????

HI HI HI back from the dead!! And good news? A BRAND NEW RENDER FOR YOU ALL TO ENJOY!

S.A.W. Inc. Parody Game Header #2 - (Created on: Feb. 27th, 2025) Sorry for the long delays on this one, but Haxx Hustun Studios and Minecraftia Studios have finally found it!!!!!! And today's Feb. 27th, 2025!!!!

Cold Memories | The Fazbear Facility - Teaser

2024 Recordatus DDS Parody Character #4 - Spunney Filuro "SpentMoney GawGecko" (Created on: Jan. 4th, 2025) Umm??? Wait a minute here???? Why's "SFSM-GG" doing here again??? We'd already shown him off like last month ago..........

JJS Parody Depiction #36 (For Mr. Loveva Day) - Created on: March 2nd, 2025 Today's March 2nd, 2025, and we here at Jax Justun Studios are all FINALLY back from our beloved 5 month/2 year long vacation!!!!!

My Birthday + Final Release

2024 DDS Parody Character #38 - Fester Wyld (Created on: March 27th, 2025) It's now March 27th, 2025, the day when this official #38thDDSparodyMascot was officially been created back on March 27th, 1990!!!!!!