@DumitCar @vitalik_lol
@almigthy_rizzlersaurus @JustBob- @SlavaEylon
3 months ago
Next up
W.I.P 2
Another little sneek peak
You're welcome, Random. I hope that the development will not go on another hiatus and there will be new posts related by TNaR
Here are some photos from Geek Con [+ face reveal]
What's wrong with them?
21 DECEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@IYED-IYED look, she stole your art
random art
(Inspired by Pokémon)
Ну вот, совместный рендер у плохо смоделированного костра... Well, here's a joint render of a poorly modeled campfire...
Art from my friend in Telegram :_
1. With effect
2. Without effects