Is what you'd probably ask to yourself first, considering my original format was a quick, 2 second read.
Well I have decided a singular, massive, update post at the end of each month is the better alternative.
This means I have deleted every irrelevant post in my profile, allowing for a more organised way for this, and I will be used @oh_ok_ for future, non serious, posts.

What's new?
For those who hadn't previously payed attention to these smaller update posts, the game is now to be a pixel format game, instead of a fully drawn game.
This allows much more time to be saved, and also allows the animations, interactions, and many other elements to be easier to produce.

A new 3d model has been created for another character, which is yet to be revealed yet, and will not be until the release of the game.
Most of the older renders have been renovated, and we are readying the materials to make a demo (not public, sorry!)
New team member!?
Yes! That's true! @WTHsplash is now working on the ost for this game!
Previously he had been part of the team for a long time, however, he was really just freeloading off of anything he could.
Now he has a full time role working on the OST!
When's it coming out?
A JAM project that's not being cancelled!
This game *SHOULD* be released in about a year, maybe even less!
Don't be prepared for the next post in August...