Wow it only took 2 newsletters before I completely forgot about this. Welcome to the third Jupitr Entertainment newsletter! Since I'm dumb and stupid, I'll be covering both April and May just so nothing's left out. Thankfully I didn't do 300 separate things like I usually do, so this newsletter should be more or less short. If you want to check out what you missed in March, make sure to check the Jupitr profile to see that newsletter. Let's crack open this bad boy.
Squeen's Adventure: Definitive Edition
Around the beginning of last month, Squeen's Adventure: Definitive Edition finally released! For such a long time, I've wanted to give the original Squeen's Adventure a nice hearty remake, and I think with this one I far exceeded my own expectations. I'm very proud with how it turned out, and I think it's a great final sendoff to the Squeen series (until I remake Squeen 2, probably not but still). Make sure to check out the game page so you can finally play the original Squeen's Adventure in a way that doesnt make you want to bash your head into a wall!
KINGDOM - OneEleven Records
On May 18th, I released KINGDOM, the debut album from OneEleven Records. Coming in with 8 tracks and a deluxe edition that adds another 6 tracks, I'm very happy with how it turned out. With this I wanted lean much more into the percussion that I felt MY LORD 1 was lacking, and I think I did that pretty well. No solid ETA on the next project, but it's going very smoothly and I reckon it'll be done pretty soon. If you want to check out KINGDOM, make sure to check out the OneEleven profiles on Spotify, Apple Music, SoundCloud, and YouTube!

So I won't give any concrete news or date, because lately I've been very unsure of what I want to do next. I have a lot of good ideas for big projects, but none at all for small projects which are the ones I want to focus on right now. But I will confirm that there is a new Jupitr game being worked on, whether it actually gets finished or turns into my best game, I can't say for certain. I will say that it has a lot of cool ideas in it and if it does turn out how I want it too, I'll be very happy.
And that there is the end of the newsletter. I'll try not to forget next time, but I know me and I absolutely will forget. Take care kids, and I'll hopefully see you all in June!