Woes Expansion
2 years ago

Just a comment on the new party members.

In 2020 someone asked me for a Pointless mod featuring characters from Hopeful, Alex has a Point and Gardenias. But due to disagreements I'd rather not talk about Had to scrap it. I did make a mod that featured loads of characters as a compromise. But it was crap at the end of the day and constantly got asked how to install it. With that in mind this is a test how much I can get away with.

All 12 party members are based on existing party members from different games and mods. Bootlegs, if you will. They aren't carbon copy, I'm trying to make them ""unique"". But if someone says "Hey, this character reminds me of [X]." That's why.



Next up

Back on mah PC after a 32 day break.

And looks like I'll be waiting for awhile


Something for a Hopeful x Nazi Zombies thing

Nearly (Depending of your definition) done with Downtown.

Showcase of the first new guy you can recruit. (Level 12)

I'l make my own LISA is fearless,

Just felt like letting you know this is a thing.

LISA: the BOSSFIGHTful Party Sprited Vol. 1

Did some messing around with Hugo's sprite from Charm Update.

From left to right. Original, Charm Update, my tweaked version.

Building before I wreck it