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what happend?
overlap a galazy image of the 3 characters
i tried to make a game with range engine. however i thought it was flawless but only to find out that not even blender game engine cant do UVwarp modifier. and the creators of range engine cant do anything about it.
Endoskeleton (3D view in article)
sharing a boba
Is Birfday!
Ronin in Shipwrecked/hi09 #shipwrecked64 #hi09
depressed roni, i dont know why... i think i am lost to everything that is cool but also losing track of time. all my life...
Classic Shadow in 3 Dimensions!
row1: macaroons, Cheesecake, redvelvet, cookies. row2: rollcake, Cheesecake-slice, pukabarry-compote, Cheesecake-slice, Crepe-Cake. row3: rollcake-slice, glaze-cake, Crepe-Cake-slice. row4: 2 cake-pops. and finally, a glaze-pukabarry-cake.