Idk how some people rather play scarlet/violet than sun/moon. Scarlet/Violet are just such a big dissappointment to me from the pokemon design, the region, the animation, the graphic, and many other. Sure it's the newest Pokemon game and it's better to keep up with the newest thing but idk man I cannot bear playing that game to beat the third gym. The puzzle for each gym are trash aswell.
For example is kofu the water gym leader.

the puzzle or the challenge doesn't feel like a challenge at all. You just need to move from one location to another to bring his wallet that he forgot because he was rushed or something. Idk man I don't really have anything much to say about this guy except the fact he is the definition of stupid. He forgot about his wallet, he pretty much don't really have a real gym challenge planned (since the gym challenge we do is a mistake he do), and he look stupid so yeah big L to that guy.
Or the bug gym leader Katy.

all you need to do as far as I remember (sorry haven't played that game anymore for long now) is that you need to push the olive to the goal and then that's it. It felt so empty and stupid to do the gym challenge that it make me lose interest and motivation to do literally anything. Idk if this purposely done lazy or not but this is definitely the one of the worse gym challenge.
And the third and the last gym I fought before I abandoned this game is the grass gym leader brassius.

the gym challenge for me aren't as bad and stupid as katy and kofu. The gym challenge is just a hide and seek basically. nothing too complicated and all, just hide and seek to find all sun flora I think. But despite it's less stupidity doesn't mean it's not a bad gym challenge. It's just so linear and lame. Nothing much really happened just like the other gym challenge. I don't really have anything much to say for this one because of how linear it is.
Well I think that's all I gotta say, sorry for the bad english and bad choice of word since y'know I'm kinda new at this and I'm posting this article just to say what's on my mind even tho none of y'all really asked but I don't really care lol. Don't be mad at me for my opinion, people have they're on respective opinion and if you cannot just accept it and move on then big L for you man.
Yeah cya if your reading this thanks for reading <3