The Return to Powerpuff Girls: After the Terrors
3 years ago

just posted this text because of boredom:

I am gonna make some changes to the office in TRTPPG1 because I think it looks boring and plain and I felt like i was too lazy on it.



Next up

Here is the second character concept of TRTPPG1. This time its Rusty Buttercup. Her concept design was kinda rushed due to me running out of time since I started on it last night, I might do a second attempt after I do the others so it can look creepier.

I finally finished the main menu after it was uncompleted for a month now. I also added in a "Animatronics Guide" button incase the phone calls do not help you enough

Thanks for getting the page to 100 views! I did not even expect this. I also have been working on TRTPPG1 all day and its time for me to get a break.

Here are 2 image previews of how the game will look like.

The designs may change in the full release.


V1.1 coming soon!!!

Unnecessary post but peak has just arrived for me in the mail today

Here is the third character concept of TRTPPG1. It is Rusty Bubbles, I decided to make her Withered Chica like but half of her body is showing the endoskeleton. I am probably gonna start back working on TRTPPG1 tommorow so I can get the demo out

Coming sometime this month...