4 years ago

Just something I thought I'd tease for a possible future story.

Oh? I'm sorry? Did I hear that right? I'M the delirious one? The only person here who's delirious is the helpless pretty boy tied to this chair who's been stuck in this room. And why is that? You think your friends would've come looking for you by now, don't you? But this is far from the first time I've done this, you know. I've hidden you too well. By the time your friends find out about this place, it'll be too late, anyways.

There's nothing more boring than following the so-called "plans" and laws of life, my dear boy. Aren't you frustrated by it? Every time someone tries to put you down, hurt you, humiliate you, don't you feel that little voice inside of your head telling you to hurt them back? And despite all of that, you can't bring yourself to do it, can you? I can definitely see it in you. In fact, I was once a lot like you once, too. But that was a looooong time ago.

I didn't have the strength to do it at first. It was only when I was showed how to use my anger, my hatred, to focus on how much I wanted to hurt them back that I got over it. And I did much more than just hurt them. I enjoyed every second of their pain and their screams.

I can show you the right path. I can show you just how much joy it is, to bring a painful death to your enemies. I'll tell you, there's nothing that feels better than the feeling of vengeance, especially on those who wronged you. No remorse over it, no regret. You think I'm still a sadistic, psychotic bitch, don't you? I can't really blame you for thinking that, though. I get that a lot from other people. But you're different. I'm telling you this because I don't want the same thing that happened to me happen to you.



Next up

One of my human kings, Abylep, one of the oldest people in my world currently.

Danganronpa: Ultimate Crossover Chaos Character List Reveal Time!

Who is the protag? (Actually, you can probably already guess that one)

Who is the mastermind?

And who will be the first victim?

Check article for cast details for name references.

It came from Reddit.

You'll only get this if you know Claude from GTA 3.


I think I have the wrong Rockstar Freddy, guys.

Rat Race Production Update

If you don't understand the joke, it's that the English voice actor for Zenitsu from Demon Slayer (Aleks Le) is also the voice actor for Nightmarionne's voice lines in UCN.

And yet both characters have completely different personalities.

Here's a preview for a Danganronpa crossover fic I've been thinking about writing.

Danganronpa Ultimate Crossover Chaos

(Read article for more)

Merry Early Christmas List