Added five themes from the game soundtrack. These are the most common ones. From the world map music, battle, and even regular boss music. I also added one made by me (the shitty one), I sometimes try to compose something, even if I’m really bad at that. I’m good improvising though… or at least I think so =D.
In a distant future I’ll upload more, but I’m trying to not spoil, and leaving some for future updates (more news—coughcough, excuse me).
Last note about music, almost all tracks from the soundtrack were made by Titán Némesis (Claudio Noemi) between 2006 and 2008-2009. They were shared in public domain. So you can use them, but please credit the autor Claudio Noemi aka Titán Némesis properly. And you can use mines too if you like, same condition.
That’s it then, more news to come,
Orochii Zouveleki