A Night with a Castro (FNaF Parody Game)

6 years ago

k im just leaving-

So, as the devolg says, i will be temporaly gone for a week due to me and my family going camping, meanwhile im gone, join Rhadamus server to see W.I,P's and sprites for characters in the update 2 of the game (that has been from 7 to 25 characters in total in the CN).

Server link:

So yeah, enjoy the screenshots made by @thatdoggocalledray while im gone.

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Next up

The ANwaC Series is now 3 years old, have a celebration pic for this special day (and this time I'm not late yippie), next week I'll be busy with Irl stuff so no celebration teaser this time but there may be some once we finish with one of the new things.

Aw sheet, here we go again.


I believe Kekcroc is an ancient beast

As a Loch Ness monster fan who had genuine nightmares with the Plesiosaur eating me as a kid: Lorus is the worst design I've seen for Piñata Puppy World, if not any mascot horror character PERIOD, so bland that CAPTAIN FIDDLES looks more interesting.

JESUS, Lorus Lochness KILLED all hype behind Piñata Puppy World, today it didn't even make 500$ when it made 2k a day and 8k on launch.

Redesigns are on the way which is hella nice, but even then the game is VERY flawed ever since it's very conception.

Piñata Puppy World has a lot of red flags around it, being Banban but with fnaf/Indigo park characters in a short experience.

Atleast Lorus had a slight glow up! Still not spending 15 bucks on this cashgrab tho, idk why ya'll supporting this.


d O N ' t =) (Wow, too edgy for my taste).