Sonic PC Port original version

3 years ago

kgljdfjljmfkljdl OMG CloudyCrack555Gamer the creator of sonic.EYX save my game from sonic PC Port thank you very much @CloudyCrack555Gamer for passing my game

Muchas gracias enserio :D

Thank you, seriously :D

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#KirbyDreamBuffet Waiting for the new kirby game that little pink ball is very cute and adorable

Does anyone remember this sonic.exe game 🤔

Alguien se acuerda de este juego de sonic.exe 🤔

Si si si son mis sprites y si las tome prestadas del mod original para crearlas xd espero le guste

Yes yes yes they are my sprites and yes I borrowed them from the original mod to create them xd I hope you like it

Amazing thank you all for trying the original version of Sonic PC Port I hope you liked it

Asombroso gracias a todos por probar la versión original de Sonic PC Port espero los haya gustado

#KirbyDreamBuffet I love this victory pose of the 4 kirby's they are so cute and beautiful

Concepto de como puede ser el sonic.exe para el juego con el phatom ruby

Concept of how the sonic.exe can be for the game with the phatom ruby

No puedo permitir que muera Sonic.exe qwq asi que regresara a la luz

I can't let Sonic.exe die qwq so it will return to the light

Bueno como el juego ahorita está en modo pausa pos hice unos OC de Boyfriend´s ya que no tenia nada que hacer Well, since the game is in pause mode right now, I did some Boyfriend's OCs since I had nothing to do

It's not the result I expected but well that's how my drawing stays

Ok you will see many questions but the reason I deleted it was due to copyrights since the game has not been approved to be reuploaded so I had to delete the game along with the page thank you very much for those who had time to try the game