Hello, Players!
IndiesVSGamers gamejam is not over yet, but our team was so happy and excited to create this funny kind of game, so we decided to take a short break from our main project and to expand Killwich High into a small, but complete game.
This means that we’ll add new levels, improve the graphics and animation a bit, add a lot more of our kind of humor (I hope you like it :D), and publish it on some small store.
Game might change it’s name because it won’t be about highschool alone, but you won’t miss it because “Killwich” will remain in the title)
If you haven’t played patched version yet - you can find all the links in the description (jam’s rules don’t allow us to update the game before the voting is over).
We are gamers, and we make games that are fun to play.
Thanks for your attention!