Kingslayer Tacticts

6 years ago

Kingslayer Tactics takes you on an adventure through the mysterious lands of Terra Inflaria, set in an alternative version of the Renaissance Europe. During your journey, you will learn the story about medieval assasin and discover his secrets. #devlog



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⏰ 📢 Countdown Alert: Last day to vote for #OccupyMars on IndieDB!

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This is the last day to vote!🚀✨Thank you to the loyal colonists who have already cast their vote for Occupy Mars! 🙌 #bestcommunity❤️

#voting #indiegames

⏰ 📢 Countdown Alert: Only 8 Days Left to vote for #OccupyMars on IndieDB!

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🚀 Don't miss out on the chance and let Occupy Mars become the ultimate Indie game of 2023! 🎉

We do appreciate every single vote casted! ❤️

⏰ 📢 Countdown Alert: Only 7 Days Left to vote for #OccupyMars on IndieDB!

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Remember that you can vote daily! Every vote counts. 🌟

Thank you so, SO MUCH for every single vote casted! ❤️

⏰ 📢 Countdown Alert: Only 1 Day Left to vote for #OccupyMars on IndieDB!

➡️ ⬅️

Your vote still can make a difference! 🗳️ 🏆

Thanks to all the brave Martians! ❤️

#vote #indiegames #survivalgames #pcgaming #gamedev

Grab the Occupy Mars with -20% discount on! The promotion lasts until January 5, ho ho ho! 🎁🎮

Also, it's 5 days left to vote on Occupy Mars on IndieDB, so do not hesitate! 🗳️ 👇

➡️ ⬅️

Take care!

Learn how to react in some of the most threatening emergency situations that you can to encounter in #OccupyMarsGame and be ready for May 10th!

#Mars #survivial #scifi #simulation #exploration #OccupyMars

#OccupyMarsGame is now available in Early Access! Board our ship on Steam, GOG and Epic Store and let's all head to Mars!

#OccupyMars #Mars #survival #simulation #scifi #exploration

⏰ 📢 Countdown Alert: Only 2 Days Left to vote for #OccupyMars on IndieDB!

➡️ ⬅️

Big THANK YOU from the Pyramid Games crew ❤️

#vote #indiegames #mars #pcgaming #gamedev

We're proud to announce that our game Occupy Mars was considered as one of the top 100 Indie Games of 2023 by IndieDB!

Vote for Occupy Mars: The Game below:

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Thank you for each and every vote casted! It means a lot for us. ❤️

Get ready for exciting news on this frosty, winter day! ❄️🌟

1) The Nuclear Update for #OccupyMars is coming soon on Steam, Epic Games, and GoG! Click here to learn more!

2) Steam #WinterSale is here! Check it out! 🎮💸

Take care!