2 years ago

Kirby GCN Analysis 1- Menu

Okay, I did this a while ago, deleted it, and now I'm reviving it.

I REALLY, wish Kirby GCN existed. Most of us do! It's also crazy how footage leaked this year... TWICE (I tried to find more but blew it). So, I'm going to do an analysis on everything about the game in parts, starting with the menu!

First up, it has already been confirmed that there would be multiple game modes (so it's basically a sequel to Super Star). People say that this image is concept art, but it really looks a lot like an actual screenshot for the menu! Here are my thoughts on what the modes in the menu could be.

Cracked Star- Probably story mode. The story (which I will analyze later) involved Dedede stealing the Warpstar. Maybe he shattered it too?

Sword with Wings- LOOKS A LOT LIKE META KNIGHTMARE TO ME! This might also means Meta Knight was planned for the game! The Halberd was also seen in one of the leaked clips.

Minecart- Great cave offensive mode? This game was going to be like Super Star!

Film Reel Strip- Obviously the theater.

Kirby with !- I'll get to that later...

Katana- Probably Samurai Kirby or Ninja Dojo.

Options Word- Do I have to explain?

Fork & Knife- Gourmet Race or another food-related game.

Footprint with Music Note- Maybe something like Dash Course from Mass Attack! HR-D3 did get reused in it.

Warpstars- Possibly an Air Ride related subgame?

X- Maybe something showing the fails and deaths?

Feather- The return of Dyna Blade?

Plant- Probably a planting minigame.

Rolling Pin- Another food-related minigame?

Headphones- Probably the jukebox.

Arrows- Maybe a game about guiding Kirby safely? I'm not so sure!


Footprint with !- Maybe some tutorials? I'm not sure if that is a footprint or a speech bubble.

M- Possible connection with Maximum Tomatoes?

Book- Something book-related?

Skull- Probably the arena.

Boxes with ?- Modes that haven't been unlocked.

Now about the box with the ! on Kirby. Remember from the original post I did I asked about the Japanese text? Well... I MANAGED TO TRANSLATE IT! It references a mode called Save Kirby, where Kirby gets captured by Dedede and helpers need to save him (it's probably an early version of Guest Star in Star Allies)! That is what I think the box is!

And that concludes my menu analysis! See you guys in Part 2!



Next up


Kirby And The Forgotten Land Copy Ability Predictions

https://m.gjcdn.net/fireside-post-image/200/9368525-ll-hfdg9ety-… (sorry I had trouble making it in the post)

Kirby GCN- Menu Predictions

A very quick and silly Kirby doodle I made in Inkscape while experimenting with a tablet setup; thought he was too silly not to share.

I've been using Inkscape for about 15 years, but have never bothered with the tablet features until now.

: Inkscape


- Bokoblin

- Boss Bokoblin

- Lizafos

- Malice Lizafos

- Moblin

- Leech

- Eyegore

- Redead

- Dragon

- Stone Talus

- Luminous Talus

- Hinox

- Molduga

- Gleeok

- Minecraft


This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Kirby!

Complete the quest and you'll get Coins!

I am a very happy boy right now.


Never give me Bomb in Kirby Fighters 2

Things will go nuclear :3

Kirby and the Forgotten land Ability tier list (Version 2)