I’ve found a few bugs in the current release of the Intergalctic Genocide Alpha Demo, I have most of them fixed and they will be resolved in, but I figured that I will point them out before then.
Aborting a mission clears clears the value of all global variables, effectively logging the user out of GameJolt within downloaded copies of the game. This is not exactly a bug, but must be dealt with.
The explosion effect is unfinished and looks kind of shitty. Also not a bug, but will be recoded in (Already fixed in an unreleased build)
Typo on the control screen. (“F” instead of “D”) -I’m a fucking idiot.
AN ACTUAL BUG! If you run the game with your display set lower than its native resolution, a few things will be where they aren’t supposed to be. —This effect was found by [CG]bombitmanbomb who was playing the game with his 9k display set to 1080P. I quickly fixed this by putting display_set_gui_size(1280, 720); in a few scripts that I should have had it in the first place, but I messed up and didn’t. Thanks, Bomb!
The asteroids actually use one set of vertices when there used to be several types of asteroids in both sizes. This was due to the engine bugging out, and reducing the big asteroids to only one model was a quick fix that should see a proper fix soon.
The shouting sound is reminiscent of popular 2600 games, but sucks. (Not a bug, but going to be changed)
Aside from the bugs, version should introduce a few new features too, with the invincibility powerup being one of the main ones! (It’s already coded, but I goofed and forget to save the track I was composing for it and have to try that again. :/)
I think that’s about all I have to say for now.
If you find any bugs or if the game runs like crap on you system, go ahead and tell me about it and I’ll try to do something about it.
Thanks to to [CG]bombitmanbomb for bringing that bullcrap bug that screwed with coordinates to my attention
and thank you for reading this article.
Smell ya later!
Oh yeah, I just remembered that Crateboy tried out the game and had good things to say, but he did hate the sound of the shooting with a passion and I think I do too, so I’ll go ahead and change that.