TRTF 1 : the animatronics In this game don’t have AI. They move at certain times.
TRTF 2 : the menu theme for this game is just the FNAF 2 menu theme but reversed.
TRTF 3 : Lynda from TRTF 5 was meant to appear in the major updates for this game.
TRTF 4 : Ty, from _RADSLA_ was meant to appear in the major updates for this game, along with replacing Koly and Sally with their fairytale counterparts.
TRTF 5 : Scott Cawthon himself was excited for this game, he commented on the first trailer stating this, this game also contains the most cut content out of ANY TRTF game.
FRANKBURT’s, : this game would have revealed Alison’s backstory.
_RADSLA_ : the nights were supposed to last until 10 AM.
Chapter one : this was going to be the first TRTF game to have animatronic’s speaking, similar to that of sister location.
Desolation (OG) : this game was conceived as a TRTF 5 revival, in fact, a blacked out 5 can be seen in the files.