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HOW TO PLAY WITH Z IN SvC3 - RIVALS The video with all the move set of the Commissioned Char Z and explaining how it works is here
Andy Bogard - original stand from Fatal Fury First Contact
Should i adapt to looks more like Real Bout 2-ish or keep like this? Andy will be Guy's rival
LOVE ME WHIP!! Angela Belti will be the wrestler woman to rivalize with R. Mika, adapted to the SvC 3 - RIVALS system Marisa would be her rival but i prefer use her as rival for Franco Bash, the another giant italian with double punches
Happy #WIPWednesday! Are you working on a game? Making some art? Practicing a song? Something else? Tell us in the comments!
D. D. have a classic super move called Mugen Thunder that consist in a flurry of thunderous punches and fror SvC3-RIVALS each scale of power will have different features
@Ventiique is a Jolter to Watch and a self-taught pixel artist! Follow @Ventiique
before the quest ends on February 25 and you'll get Coins!
Capt Commando will have his sledgehammer from the original Arcade game as his overhead in SvC3-RIVALS
More News are coming!
New design for D. D., the Code Holder that will debut in our FanGame since Capcom cancelled his original game...
More News about D.D. reborn, soon!
Happy #WIPWednesday! Are you working on a game? Making some art? Practicing a song? Something else? Tell us in the comments!
RAINBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWW Rainbow Mika will appear in SvC3 - RIVALS since his last aparision in Pocket Slam Plus back in 2017 Her move set will be based in SF Zero 3, SFV and new stuff Her rival is a classic wrestler woman from Power Instinct series
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