Yes, I’m changing the art style for Kids VS. The World to have the game in more of a hand-drawn animation.
The reason why i’m doing this was to have the animations more expressive and something similar to an animated show that you watched in what the game’s time is set in. The other reason is that making that run animation for Evol was the most fun thing i’ve ever done!
but in all seriousness, it’s to not make the game look repetitive with other indie rpgs that are pixelated… also, this game doesn’t have a depressing main story and it doesn’t take itself too seriously, so don’t expect something horrible happen in-game… I apologize if you did wanted this game to be fully pixelated.
That’s the only change that i’m putting in the game, the overall gameplay won’t.
Whenever i have something to show in the future, it will now be KVSTW related!