Labyr Alpha Unstable 1.1.4 has been released!
New Features
Added Torch Stands. (W.I.P.)
Added Torch Coal. (W.I.P.)
Added Steam gas.
Added Orange Blobs.
Changes / Bug-Fixes
Filled all empty areas in levels with walls.
Removed flame effects from the gun.
Modified how smoke and other gases work to reduce lag.
Turned off lighting effects on boxes to reduce lag.
Modified damage numbers to light up only when their value is over 100.
Modified the debug info to be more clean.
Modified worms to no longer stay on fire when passing through walls.
Modified controls so that the left trigger can be used to jump instead of crouch.
Modified controls so that jumping with ‘A’ while crouching will drop through platforms.
Replaced old steam particles with steam gas.
Modified gas and fire sprites to be more smooth.
Increased gun damage.