Howdy folks, this is our first post in 2013, happy new year! Had quite fun in 2012? We did. And this is another game for you, from us.
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<div style=”text-align:center;”><span style=”font-size:large;”>click here to play the game!</span></div><div style=”text-align:center;”><span style=”font-size:large;”>
</span></div> As mentioned before in previously, Late Lino was actually game for Ludum Dare #22 entry, 1 year ago (2011). We made some minor changes and actually publish the game for new year gift. Good luck for you, have fun, and let us have even better new year :)
Crew’s testimony
<div><span style=”color:#FFA500;”>hipon</span>
This game is our first post ludumdare game, it was a fun event, I don’t believe we could make a simple game in 48 hours although the development process was a mess.
Actually, I wanted to make a generic game since I didn’t have much time for game design, but at the end I came up with an idea, It was very weird but I think it’s worth to try, I made a prototype and see how it goes, It looked okay, but somewhat it didn’t satisfy me enough. Since we only had about 24 hours left we decided to continue with this design.
I’m always optimistic about level design, but this time I only make simple AI for enemies, they all basically have same pattery. Honestly, I had gathered some materials for enemy’s pattern, but implementing that would prolong the development time haha, so I decided to stick with only one pattern.
</div><div><span style=”color:#FFA500;”>clea leshlick</span>
It’s a new experience for me, it’s a genre I’m not familiar with. A simple survival action game, which ended up with a weird twist. Ended up tweaking the candy amounts, enemy stats, enemy distribution, powerups, mood per second changes, etc. Did a lot of revision and testing on those numbers, but I’m happy with the final balance, haha!
Inspired by the world setting & the graphics, I wrote 3 winter themed songs with comical/cartoon-ish feel for this game. The songs mainly use Piano and Strings, and is quite simple structure-wise. I think that they have a refreshing and childlike feel to it. Listening to them now, I feel that they are kind of rigid. I got to work on improving my fluidity of expressions lol.
As for the sound effects, they are light and simple. When I created them one by one, they didn’t sound too great or special. But after all is put into the game, played and combined in a quick pace, they shine. The jump, stomp, candies, present box, ghosts, and powerups! They blend quite nicely with each other, and with the music. Did some revisions regarding volume balance, EQ, and a bit of Chorus effect ^ ^</div><div>
</div><div><span style=”color:#FFA500;”>Lazcht</span></div><div> I had fun making the worlds, characters and Santa themed game. I love Santa claus even though i never celebrate christmas myself. I simply picked Santa theme because it was December and i thought we could make it for christmas game. I merged santa theme with the Null on stellar-Ø symbol, if you noticed Lino’s hat and the “moon” shape. Speaking about the world design, i plan to reuse the universe for Linoveus Cube project, which might has correlation with “Lino” name.</div><div>
</div><div> I also made the SFX for LD version (because we didn’t think clea would want to join) which is pretty…rough in quality i could say haha, it was too loud! Actually i made a joke of myself being department store or —locally— toserba (toko serba ada) because i provide almost of anything that time. I had to open Google docs, Adobe Photoshop, SAI Paint Tool, Graphics Gale, Exgen, FL Studio, sometimes Adobe Flash, Filezilla and Dreamweaver at the same time. LOL that whole 3 LD days were tiring, nuts and awesome days.</div><div>
</div><div> Side note: i love hipon’s light-controlling game design concept and love how the musics turned out.
Oh, here is a bonus:
<a href=”Late” rel=”nofollow noopener”>”>Late Lino by clea leshlick</a>
~<span style=”color:#FFA500;”>stellar-0</span> out!</div>
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