Five Nights at The Joker's
7 years ago

lego joker's mechanic is changed

hey guys remember when i said to get rid of joker you must turn left and throw him out the enterance will i chouldn’t find one that was in nighttime now got to change the mechanic for joker here it is

lego joker’s new machanic:if lego joker arrives at your office click on him and press T so he can bounce off the wall of the store this will send joker flying back to the first floor of the mall also i don’t know if legos bounce back if you throw them on a wall idk please tell me if i’m wrong or not and yes i’m still keeping the mechanic where if you take too long to throw joker on the wall he’ll kill you mechanic alright that’s alright oh before i end this devlog i finally got the night 1 phone call from blazechan thanks blaze very cool anyways bye



Next up

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