LeoWars '18
7 years ago

LeoWars Remastered Extra - Changelog and Estimated Release Date


  • The overworld now has an entirely new layout, including new graphics for all of the sprites.

  • Battles will have improved sprites, as well as faster attack times so they do not drag on so long.

  • Broken items removed from the store

  • Random encounters are less frequent, so you have a lot more time to roam the overworld

  • New bosses and characters will be added (maybe)

  • The game will have a new final boss, replacing Asher from the original game.

  • Leo coins/medals will be added which can be used to buy special items, including garden and home decor.

  • New cutscenes and story will be added.

  • More tiles and characters will be added to debug mode.

  • UI and menu sprites will be redone.

Estimated Release Date

July 17th? or at the very latest August.

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Next up

queen of something.

Corrupt Enemy Animation

LeoWars Remastered Extra - Overworld graphical update (WIP)

New game screenshots (WIP)

a gazillion characters.

la creatura.

pumpkin kid.

LEOWARS OST uploaded on Youtube!

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LeoWars Remastered Special Settings Update! - Coming Soon!