2 years ago

Lets talk about this series

Part 1 making a team

Now I did make a Fnf moding team for the mods but I didn't want to make a animation team for ezort corruption quest because I feel like I'm gonna be too much or force people to redo the episodes but I'm not like that person, Even tho I am not and I'm just a kid, But since its the series I want to pitch to YouTube, It was my dream so I stuck with it. And another thing is I might fuck up during my time as a dictator for the series so but since its the only option then I have to stick with it.

Part 2 making the episodes on YouTube

Now Yes, ezort corruption quest (the animated series) is gonna be on YouTube

And that's my problem

Why yes I love YouTube but the problem I have with it is the Algorithm on YouTube. I'm not saying posting on YouTube is garbage you can post anything on YouTube

But my issue with it is that people copyright strike the videos they dont like (Now I know you are gonna say "ezort don't worry about it) but I'm much worried that if I get the BAD copyright strike then my fear will come true. And since I can't post it on new grounds I have post it on YouTube because that's easier for me. And since things hasn't be cool with everything with YouTube for like 4 months ago I feel like I could fuck up......and it will be over for my dream

Final part : breaks

I will be giving the team breaks if they wanted to

If they want a break for an hour or how many hours they want, They can have it

If they want to get off the team because mental issues then they could

If you wanna join my team friend request me and ill make a group chat on game jolt (can't do it on discord because I don't have it anymore)

Ok that's it byeee say safe everyone ^^



Next up

So i had to factory reset my tablet....what a thing to start the morning to

"I, now want to know your fear"

Black and white fan art

The ezort crew and the old stars

Aka new renders

The new version of Soniku the Hedgehog is here guys!!!!!

New title screen

(Not coded yet I just wanna show it off)

@doyouwannahaveabadtimefool When He See A Picture Of Toy Ezort × Old Ezort

I would imagine they're meeting would be like this

Needlemouse by @MoleyMSPAINT

🎶 I've only just begun~🎶

What should I add in the ffnas office

(Draw or let me know in the comments)