1 year ago

Letter News Archives #445567 - A 209 Years of JJS Tape for Beloved Voice Actor & Artist "Brickson Doontter"!!!

A 25 year old Actor and Artist of JJS that Faded Two Soon!!

JJS News Now 2023 (Since 1887)

Created, Hosted and Written by: Sandy Jizgstun {FEMALE - Age: 121} and Nal Doontter {MALE - Age: 21}

Created on: November 2nd, 2023

Archived and Reposted on: November 2nd, 2023


Sandy Jizgstun - Hello Folks, hope you all had an awesome Halloween two days ago. Anyways, my name's "Sandy Jizgstun" and I am the screen director of JJS and the Voice Actor also for both "Brody C. Heiste" and "Daimian Jebbby Brixcksttion", the MSM characters from the JJS Universe!!

Sandy Jizgstun - As for almost like 209 years from now, we'd lost like many young and/or oldest people that were living inside of Jax Justun Studios for almost like a long time now. Sometimes, a bit too soon. And as for this one, he was one of them!!

Sandy Jizgstun - Back on October 22nd, 2022, that morning around at 6:30 AM, we had loss a 25 year old man named "Brickson Doontter" who was an Artist and Voice Actor at Jax Justun Studios for almost like only 5 years from today. Sadly, this year back in January 22nd, 2023 was supposed to be a 26th birthday party for our beloved Brickson. Instead, we decided to make a recording video based on his amazing skills and compassions that he'd created since 2017!! 6 years can't enough right? Well, I had gotten a tape from the JJS Archives and it was all about Brickson's stories and moments about his memories and times while on our 208th year anniversary of JJS.

Sandy Jizgstun - Anyways, enjoy the video/message!!!


JJS Archive Tape #344500 - Brickson Doontter's Passing!!

Recorded on: Oct. 22nd, 2022


Sandy Jizgstun [PAST] - Hello Folks, and welcome to the world of Jax Justun Studios!! I'm the Voice Actor for "Brody C. Heiste"!!! Yes!! I'd said that backwards. Anyways, as you all heard the news by now, the world of JJS alone had loss a legend this morning today, and the "Flainthrower's Strikeout" series had lost a friend and an actual family member.

Sandy Jizgstun [PAST] - Brickson Doontter was a kind and friendly person for our JJS workers and families!! Sadly though, at just at the age of 25, Brickson Doontter had unfortunately, ended his own life while overdosing himself with fentanyl. Yesterday was his younger brother's 21st birthday and his brother "Nal Doontter" had told us that he was battling with depression since he was in his 11th grade year at high school.

Sandy Jizgstun [PAST] - According to the detectives of JJS, they'd said that, Brickson was having trouble finding ways to make JJS a better place, but almost since like forever, he didn't realised that her sister had survived the car crash back on July 3rd, 1993!! His high school friends had said, "Due to his past events with his formal sister, he didn't clearly fit in well with everyone around him. Although, he FINALLY got a job at Jax Justun Studios and decided to create his future, he'd then decided to end his earthly life."

Sandy Jizgstun [PAST] - Then today at 7:40 AM, Nal Doontter had said this for his beloved brother. "My beloved growing brother and bother, you had such an amazing future ahead of you!! You even had plans to marry my BFF's 25 year old sister "Grinney Dults"!! You wanted to have a family and new friends. But you decided to end your life at just a random time!! Hopefully you're in a better place now and not thinking about our first sister's accident death thing again. Rest easy my brother!"

Sandy Jizgstun [PAST] - Anyways, we wanted to know that Brickson had voiced like so many characters in the past years of JJS. Like "Loggjer the Nabbit Rabbit" in 1968, "Himmy" from Himmy's Wizard Adventures in 2006 - 2019, and "Darllie" from Jilly's Wonderland of Magic in 2021!! And our most recent one was "Huggy Wuggy" from 2021's Poppy Playtime from our "Adopted Curropted" series back in July of 2022!!

Sandy Jizgstun [PAST] - Huggy Wuggy was one of our #1 most greatest character that we'd ever voiced for a long time!! And hopefully, you guys had enjoyed Brickson's voice from it. But now, he's gone!! But fear not, because all of his recordings had all been finished since the beginning of 2021, and all of the files for the next future and upcoming projects will sure make Brickson's memories and voices come back to life. Well, be safe our beloved Brickson Doontter!! You'll be miss and never be forgotten

-End of Recording


Nal Doontter - Thank you past Sandy. Anyways, my name is Nal Doontter, and I am 22 years old now, and for almost like THREE months in 2023, I've been now the new voice of Huggy Wuggy in our latest instalment of the Jax Justun and Jax Marble series called "C.A.W. (Crows At War)" series. As of today of this year, January 22nd, 2023 was my brorher's 26th, birthday, October 21st, was my 22nd birthday nad October 22nd, 2023 was the TWO year anniversary of my brother's tragic suicidal death!!

Nal Doontter - Also, Sandy had forgot to tell you guys that this story will content disturibing parts that aren't suitable for kids of ages 2 - 10. Sorry about that. Anyways, back to story. As you all may heard the news by now, from January 22nd, 1997 to October 22nd, 2022, I had only my older brother in my family tree for almost only 25 years and since his death, I had been bringing back his amazing memories back into reality. As you all may had seen by now, in our 209th year of JJS, we'd had created a new generation for our beloved "Jax Justun & Jax Marble" parody series at the beginning of August of 2023. And since then, I had became the new voice of "Huggy Wuggy"!!

Nal Doontter - I must say, Brickson Doontter was one of the most greatest actors of all time. During his years at college he'd been studying about movies, shows and other animes and wanted to become an actor and artist after high school. Sadly though, since 1999, he has been having nightmares about my sister's passing back in July of 1993. And because of that, he ended his own life while taking only ONE pill laced with fentanyl!!! And the rest is just history!!

Nal Doontter - Anyways, my voicing skills had made our beloved parody version of Huggy Wuggy so much better, my brother's history had made us wonder that voicing other people can leave us to danger, if you're saying the right things. That's what my brother always tell me.

Sandy Jizgstun - Well everybody, there you have it. Our beloved Brickson Doontter will always be in our hearts if we always say the right things while voicing other people!! And for our 209th year at Jax Justun Studios, we'll do the same ways as what Brickson would've done for us.

Nal Doontter - If it wasn't from me however, our new generations of our beloved parody series wouldn't become as what it is now today!! Well, that's all for now.

Sandy Jizgstun - We hope all of you had enjoyed this crazy of a lifetime!! Anyways, enjoy your November you guys.

Nal Doontter - And send your love-ness to my other family members as well. Well, have a nice day and see you all next time.

-End of News Letter

In Loving Memory of "Brickson Doontter" Age: 25

January 22nd, 1997 - October 22nd, 2022

"You must say the right things while you're voicing the characters in your minds!!" -Brickson Doontter


Hey guys, it's me again!! I hope you had all enjoyed another of these made up stories that I'm making. Also, I forgot to make a warning on top of this post...

Warning: This/That story will/had contain disturbing content, horrified real life-like past events, and other stuff about fentanyl and having suicidal thoughts as well. Ages from TWO through TEN aren't allowed to read these kinds of stories. Only ages from 13 to Older!! #ViewerAdscriptionIsAdvised!!

Anyways, sorry I haven't posting many other things for my other games. Tomorrow's my father's birthday and I need to get for tomorrow. So, you all have a nice and safe Nov. okay? Anyways, be safe everyone!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!



Next up

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Sakehatenafiyer's Head #1 (Kenry A. Ngry "Male Age 156") - Created on: March 9th, 2025 Something's not even right here folks!!!! We have meet some strange looking parody-like snake creature for today/tonight here!!!!!

Is this #Centum Centum Game here's REALLY a lie or something here????? Look, whatever it is of course, here's an official small screenshot that I'd officially took from my official wishlist on STEAM......

2024 Recordatus DDS Parody Character #6 - Sakehatenafiyer (King Zing SnakeMcfieyer) (Created on: March 9th, 2025 - March 13th, 2025) Holy molly!!! Positive quality quantity are always the ways here folks!!! YEP!!! That's correct you guys!!!!!

2025 DDS PCCs #56 & #57 - HipDrop NipHop Nova Ender Dragon (Hipdrop Hopnova) & SoloTango Dranggrow Firestorm Ender Dragon (TangoDrangrow) - Nova & Firestorm Dragons The last two and final #DDSparodyCameoMascots......ARE FINALLY HERE!!!!!

Sakehatenafiyer's Head #2 (Arvren Hentterson "Male Age 147") - Created on: March 12th, 2025 Another official snake-thingy-thing-thang has been found here!!!!!!