This week in programming for The Cardinal Crusade it’s been all about level selection! It’s been… interesting.
At the start of the week most of the system was already in place in it’s most basic form. We had levels displayed as points on a small map that suits each world, a player to run from point to point and act as the marker to show which level is selected, and some borders to provide a nice transition.
First thing was the borders. In a previous version of the game we had them close, then the screen would fade to black and the level would fade in from there. It was nice, but not quite nice enough. Having re-made the borders in a new way as a result of our graphical update, I was able to make things a bit more fancy! Now any time a level is selected, the borders close, and then seamlesly re-open to the selected level making things much nicer!
You can see a video of that here:
After that I began working on the level completion sequence which is all displayed on the level select screen it’s self once a level has been completed. It involves the level stats being updated, locked levels becoming unlocked, and then finally, super secret extra bit’s happening where required.
You can see a vieo of the level stats being updated here:
Since then it’s been transitions between worlds, which isn’t quiet done yet but should be done really soon! I’ll likely post a video of that in next weeks blog.
Thanks for reading, follow the game page to be notified when we post about it!
Written by - Nathan
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