Level Shhh! is a combination of Level 52 and level run! Its about 25.5 Miles away form the exit. They contain a lot of entities like skin stealers, Smilers, Bacterias, Partygoers, Hounds, Etc. Every 6.3 miles it will get to a safe Zone or checkpoint. It will contain Almond water, energy drinks, neon water And energy bars.
the blue classes:
the blue classes are safe zones with partypoopers helping them escape. so items can help them escape with vending machines
- Going to an red exit on level 52 may lead to this level
- going inside and outside any room too much on level 94 may lead to this level
- running "learn.exe" in the end's computer will lead here
- Theres A 1 to 5M chance it will turn into level !-! (hotel chase)
- reaching the end of the hallway will lead to a random safe level or theres a chance of 1/ 20000000 chance it will lead to level fun =) or level 0
- distracting the entities with liquid pain will lead to level 94
- sleeping on classes will lead to level 9223372036854775807 (the endless ending)
- noclipping trough the lockers will lead to the promised land or the lazy river
- shooting the entities will lead to level 3999