4 months ago


I was once a dumbass 5 year old in 2016 and I had every TRTF game and all of the lost TRTF media like Tyler's dedication to Kitty FazCat. I went on ROBLOX Studio to make a TRTF fangame. The TRTF fangame in question was called "The Return To Candy's". In the lore Alison Bäirren said "It's licking time!" and juiced all over the place. Then I put the game on ROBLOX and when I tested it, Lickjuice, a file I didn't put in the game, said "I will lick your juice!!!". Then the BEEst herself hacked my account. After that, I wined like a baby and went into my bedroom with a cup of orange juice. then Lickjuice crept out of my closet and licked my orange juice and I fell asleep because I was too lazy to stop him. The next day, I made a new ROBLOX account to play Meepcity, and Tycraz from Tycrazmania himself had a ban hammer and banned me from ROBLOX forever. He also deleted all of my lost TRTF media. Soon after that, that I drank the orange juice Lickjuice licked and I died from super cancer. If you are wondering how I am still here it is because I am a ghost and I am haunting you! OooOOooOOooOOooOOooOOoOOooOO!1!!!111111!!1!!!1!11



Next up

I just found some lost media about Amani's Room. These were found on the Developer's deactivated Deviantart account.

Tycraz from Tycrazmania


Slowly coming back

Gralbert is Love, Gralbert is Life

Jester of a Box

Remember this?

I found a whole bunch of TRTF and Kriya Studio fanart back from 2022 - 2023. Back when I was known as "Tycraz". Oh, and there are also some other miscellaneous fangames in there too.

thank you family guys 😢

123 slaughter me street irl