Five nights at Wario's: Diner's Return
7 months ago

Light remote showcase
(The canonical explanation for why the blue light button shuts off the lights is because of a bug, but the non-canonical reason is because this is the best light remote image I could find and it's also conveniently placed)



Next up

Also, I know it's kind of soon after the last post, but which of these looks best? This is for the logo in the main menu, if none of these work, feel free to suggest something

New Wario jumpscare

hey look, my post got featured again

Stay tuned (No morse code or secrets this time, sorry)


The game has finally been released, enjoy

(Tip: If you get stuck or are unsure about how someone works, check the enclosed instruction book, also, you can press 1 and 2 to change between Fullscreen and Windowed)

Rat Race Production Update

Man I really wish I could be working on Diner's Return, anyways here is the first ever screenshot of Diner's Return vs the most recent screenshot, what a massive glow up

Fun Fact:

This is a scrapped cutscene that was in the original Tubbyland 3 MFA, I don't really know where I would fit this in the recode to be honest, also, it feels a bit off when compared to the others, also, idk what the final bit of dialogue in it is.


alright here (btw VIRUS Ashley and Yoshi won't be in the game)