10 months ago

Lil information about this SAMS AU:

(Ask questions on this post!!!)

This AU is about relationship dynamics between friends, lovers, and family and exploring how those relationships can be changed, broken, or improved. This AU centers around: comedy, romance, and some sensitive topics that may be disturbing for some viewers.

Info on the characters!:

Sammy is one of the brothers in the family! He works at a daycare around where they live. His nickname is Sam though it gets confusing because people sometimes call Samuel Sam!..He is energetic most of the time and outgoing! He likes to paint and spend time with his siblings!

Mason is another one of the brothers in the family. He mostly stays home to stay with Luca. He’s more of the quiet one in the family. It was never always like that. Something just changed in him. But anyway! He loves to play games, watch shows/anime, and hang out with Monty and his siblings!

Evelyn is a motherly figure in the family even though she’s not their mother and is actually their sister! She loves to be around kids and likes to be social with people! Because of her white hair a lot of people that they don’t know always ask her if she’s ok, to which she always replies that her hair is just a genetic mutation. She works at the same daycare that Sammy works at!

Enzo is an ex of Mason. Enzo and Mason used to hang out as friends in the past and later ended up getting into a couple. Though one day it just stopped. But Enzo likes playing games and just watching videos. Not much information on him.

Samuel is the introverted lovable cousin! Samuel mostly hangs out with Luca, Evelyn, and Mason! He likes coding and technology but on his free time he plays games with Luca! Not much information on him!

Luca is the youngest in the family. People mostly call him Lulu as a nickname! He’s a very playful and energetic person! He is very out of pocket and random but that’s what makes him unique from the rest! He loves playing games and hanging out with his siblings and friends! Mostly Castor!

Jack is a good friend to Luca! He mostly appears at random times and moments! He was born with very pointy teeth and is an energetic little person! He loves to hang out with Desiree and Luca!

Pollux is one of the middle siblings in her family. She is one year older than her brother Castor. She’s very outgoing and extroverted! She loves to hang out with Evelyn, Luca, and her brother Castor!

Castor is like Pollux but the opposite! Castor is a very quiet intelligent person that’s very introverted. He lives to hang out with Evelyn but not as much as Luca. Not much information on him.

Sullivan is a close friend of Kai! He always hangs with him almost like Kai is his own brother! Not much information on him.

Desiree is a sweetheart! She’s Luca, Evelyn, and Jack's best friend! She loves to be sneaky and sneak around places with Jack! She’s a very sweet extroverted girl!

Nala is another sibling in Pollux and Castors family. She is probably the most quiet one out of all her siblings since she was born with a very quiet voice. She mostly just stays in her room and watches videos or plays games. Though she is very close with Castor. Not much information on her.

Monty is one of Mason's friends. He’s mostly the chaotic type of friend but if you need him to be serious and supportive then he will switch his personality for you if he really cares about you. He is also dating Evelyn! He like to hang out with Mason and Evelyn and likes to play games! Mostly video games or card games/dice rolling games.

Not much information on Felix other than he is very close friends with Sammy and Monty

Kai is a very sweet and caring person. He took a lot of time to become this way though. He likes to cook and clean. He is good friend with Sullivan and okay friends with Mason.

Blake is a very problematic person. He’s well known for being violent and destructive. He’s mostly a jerk to everyone and causes a bunch of problems and fights. While Bailey mostly cares for his education but he does still act rude to most people. Bailey is a bit introverted while Blake is extroverted and the life of the party.

Not much information on Rueben other than he’s Samuel’s ex friend.


Human! Gemini is a gentle kind person! She/he likes to hang out with Luca, Nala, and Evelyn!

Human! Saturn is a very kind and caring person who will always look out for you! She mostly likes to watch movies!

Human! Neptune is a serious type person though while he’s with Human! Saturn he is very gentle and loving towards her.

(Not really an extra since they are in the actual cannon SAMS human AU- but:

Scarlet and Ollie are apart of the zodiac household. Scarlet is a chaotic little gremlin while Ollie is more timid.

Human! Jupiter is Human! Saturn's sister. She’s honestly not a very kind person and just likes to tease people.

Human! Star is a energetic child! She’s 6 years old and loves to play with Mason and Galaxy

Not much information on Human! Pluto other than he’s the son of Galaxy-

Not much information on Human! Galaxy


Sun- Sammy- 16- Will answer any questions if not weird-

Moon- Mason- 16- Will answers any questions if not personal..

Earth- Evelyn- 15- Will be more than happy to answer any questions!

Solar- Samuel-19- Will answer any questions if not weird or personal.

Lunar- Luca-14- Will answer any questions if not weird

Bloodmoon- Blake and Bailey-15 & 16- both will answer some questions.

KC- Kai- 17- Will answer questions!

Eclipse- Enzo-17- Will be only answering a few.

Ruin- Rueben (Means behold in a different language-)- 18- Will answer some.

Pollux-15- Will answer any!

Castor-14- Will answer all or some. Depends.

Monty-15- Will answer any if not extremely personal.

Nebula- Nala-16- Will be happy to answer any!

Solar flare- Sullivan-16- Will answer some.

Jack-13- Will answer any!

Foxy- Felix-16- will answer some.

Dazzle- Desiree-13- Will answer all questions!!

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Next up

IDWTBAMG Doodlesssss


School doodlezzzzz


Okay seriously.

Where did this luck come from.

I found this on discord

School doodles + Unfinished sketches

Lunar is BEAN

More school doodlezzzz

People: “The pilot came out a few days ago!”

Me: *Already searched for all the IDWTBAMG things on Pinterest.*

I like how I made this

If the IDWTBAMG characters had Twitter: