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Ian is the town baker. It is his job to turn the ordinary ingredients into the extraordinary goodness of his breads, cakes, and pies.
This hideous being is a Blue Blob, a living mound of goo out to destroy you. You can find them in temperate biomes, like plains and forests, but you can find its redder cousin in hotter regions.
Are you afraid of the dark?
Glidges are mysterious, bronze-shelled creatures that shoot fireballs at literally anyone. No one knows where they came from, but everyone seems to want one of those shells.
Graywoods updates and news
Functional blocks! Now with new textures! These little guys exist solely to help you and decorate your house! Clockwise from the left, we have a bed, a chest, a torch, a workbench, an oven, a furnace, a saw, and a strange device.
While going outside and killing things is fun and gets you rich, at some point you will want some ore. We have amethyst, diamond, copper, magnetite, opal, iron, coal, stone, emerald, ruby, sapphire, gold, and silver. Sorry, the chest and anvil aren't ore.
Great news, everyone. Graywoods has native Linux/BSD support. The Windows version should work fine in Wine, but why bother? #picunrelated
Yo yo! What up, Internet! It's FINALLY time to introduce the EVILLEST PERSON in Graywoods! I give you... the ONE, the ONLY.... COUNT EVIL!