I just wanted to say a few things to the people that care about this project. I think if ever do finish this project, I don't think it'll be a game. This whole experience I've had just with making OneShot 3D content, attempting my hand at coding, etc. has lead to too many bad experiences. Don't get me wrong I've have a blast when I'm in the groove and making content, and my community has been helpful in being there for me, but I've been through so much chaos over OneShot in the past 2 years from a multitude of different communities over the stupidest crap. I'm finally starting to get over it and relax, but it's really been hurtful and just so stupid the amount of effort people go to hurt someone. I mean if you've seen my other lengthy post you'd know what's been bugging me, and just how stupid this shenanigan got. I could list the amount of crap that's been thrown at me, but it's a very long list.
Honestly, I think at this point, just having an exploratory version of OneShot in 3D should be my end goal if I get the courage and back in the groove. In my opinion, now a day, I think there really shouldn't be a 3D playable game of OneShot, when there is already a perfectly viable and great game out there made by awesome devs. Plus, if I do this and just have an exploratory version with beautiful art that should be worth it. No? So I think instead of striving to make a revamp I'm thinking of just make 3D OneShot places as full exploratory maps. What you guys think?