pvz: ultimate hsit!

2 years ago

lmao cutted plants. (read article)

sun pit - 25 sun. works like spikeweed and wet moss but doing nothing. instead he gives 25 sun if zombie dies on him. (cutted cus game has too many sun plants)

twin sunflower - 100 sun. its obvious what it does (cutted in a same reason)

statue of the great plant - 100 sun. works like wall nut, but creates random plant when it dies. has small chance to create op beautiful pea. (cutted because of deadline and he will probably take a lot of time)

ice shroom - freeze all zombies. how unexpected. (cutted cus i dumb and i dont know which price give him)

magical moss - 75 sun. it has a different effect, depending on the plant standing on it. pea = moss shooting. sunflower = moss giving sun. wall nut = moss sometimes heals wall nut. (cutted because it will took to many time, and i didnt wanted 2 mosses in game) (no image sry)

wrapped water - 50 sun. instantly usage. fully heals plants in 3x3 area (cutted because this plant is meh)

reroll button: appears in shops, and for 100 coins let you reroll shop (cutted because i forgot to add this lol)

also there supposed to be a night location, but it was cutted because of deadline and i didnt know what i should do with spore shroom, like give him for free when night starts or let him be in every single shop?

btw if you liked some my plants, you can use them lol



Next up


imagine if

is z-corp and ultimate hsit cancelled????😲🤧🤯

short answer: yes

long answer: read article

omg omg im so popular


who is this pokemon


oh ma gad its so cool omg wow i gonna cmu🌂

