1 year ago

lmao picking my siblings and cousin up bc im the babysitter bc of a concert somewhere

kids: 11(almost 12), 9,7, and 4months

im gonna get so many bruises and c/ts from them, will update.

edit: shes 7 not 6

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tw: bl00d


ft. irl friends

@witcheryncats n @milodoesntdeserveit

ilygsm <333

(also reason its just the first letter is cause im also posting it somewhere else)

sh.t will get better, right? it has to doesnt it? i need to get better, please get better

(im mental ill)



tubbo-little brother

techno-little sister1

dream-little sister2

basically how ill refer to my irl siblings

(irl is wilbur, online is wil for my sibling wil)

i have tumbler now

changing your style for no reason>>>>

its so hard to get up when the only things you need to get up for are in different places in the world

maybe he'll get up when he gets yelled at, maybe they wont feed him for a few days, that'll teach him a lesson not to mess with them.
