Hey all, I've been trying to get the loading screen crashes fixed.
In the recent 1.0.2 build I'm trying a new method where the main level's assets are loaded in when you first boot up the game, meaning the levels will start much faster than before. However, you'll still have to make it past the initial boot-up screen for it to play.
The game has been tested on a range of old laptops, some on older versions of Windows or with different memory capacities. The ones with 8 GB memory ran smoothly, but one of the 4 GB ones would not make it past the boot-up screen.
So for now, until I've trimmed the level scene down further (there's a lot in it), I'd recommend only playing if your computer has over 4 GB of memory or a graphics card with a couple GB of memory.
Update: I've managed to get the game past boot-up on the computer that was crashing before. Took a while to get there after many tests.