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Playable characters: Peashooter, Fire Pea, Ice Pea, Toxic Pea and Commando Pea! //// Sunflower and Cactus won't be playable yet. And so now i need to add a Zombie side "Hero" to develop the modes! //// Also now Hats, Accessories and Organics are avalible.
Fire Pea?? ¿?
Man... Multiplayer now works perfectly!
Hola Seems like i've gone missing for some time! Anyways... There's a small chance that i'll continue developing this game! (Tho it's a very very small chance!)
Does this look good? Garden&Graveyards test Also the progress in game was really really affected after realizing that garden ops. mode was poorly developed. So i had to remake it from 0 making the current build unplayable only allowing wave 0. Up. Build?
I made some SO fuckING cool progress! Just as adding a variant of peashooter and the test team vanquish mode... Oh yea... Cool looking toxic pea!
The new update is looking great! I don't have enough space to show y'all the new features of the new update... So i personally recommend joining our discord server! Because in there i post updates very frecuently! And i hope y'all are having a nice day!
Whoops! I forgot to keep y'all updated in the gamejolt page! I'm so so sorry...! Also updated Tittle Screen!