TORMENT HIM MORE! LOOK AT YOU! YOU ARE AN FULLY GROWN ADULT. Please, dont doxx him more because he already suffered too much. DON'T MAKE HIM SUFFER MORE!

3 days ago
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Bro has a job or smth
This is what happens when you let an idiot make art in chat :
Progress is bieng done on the mod!
Bro, he is kinda right. But please, he is not useless and just wants to re-unite with his friends. I understand if he ever hurt you. But revenge will only get to cops at your door. INCLUSIVELY DOXXING!
"You feel an unknown presence watching you"
If you dont permanently leave this site, then one of Michael's friends will call the cops on you. YOU ARE 19 YEARS OLD! WHY DO YOU HATE HIM?! WHY?!
Ok, i am not a bad guy. YOU ARE! And i dont disrespect Casper and SonicGreen. But @flower628_fanny deserves because he stole art. AND WE JUST WANTED TO HAVE PEACE!
Amy harrasment-