Hello, Crossbones here. We are looking for more programmers! Here are the requirements:
Programmer: You must be very experienced with GML, and you must code in GMS2.
Thank you, that's all for now. We will have a new devlog soon.
Hello, Crossbones here. We are looking for more programmers! Here are the requirements:
Programmer: You must be very experienced with GML, and you must code in GMS2.
Thank you, that's all for now. We will have a new devlog soon.
-Crossbones Inc.
69 posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just something I wanna show. Happstablook Official design by F4ku/Faaaaaku.
Sans' Comedian Outfit for my au! He's ready to show ya the most punny time of your life. (by Jeanking12)
hello guys do you like my art
Updated the description with these images. Credits to @ItsKyo for making them!