Looking to test your RTS mettle? You can join our community-organized Circle Empires Rivals tournament, with Steam credit as the prize!
Info: https://store.steampowered.com/newshub/app/1100260/view/2539416399392768127
Next up
Update 0.63: Fixed visual glitches, added tips. Special thanks to everyone who made videos!!
Update: Team up with trees and fish and your local enemies (by trainign each other to fight) to overcome a distant but certain death to your all: thee massive invasion in near future and desertification of the land you all live on.
Our first content update is here! New units of EEEEVILLLL 💀 as well as two new buildings. Check 'em out!
Update: added highscores, health packs and map edges
Enjoy the epic fantasy tunes of composer Sigurd Jønk-Jensen wherever you go. The Circle Empires and Circle Empires Rivals soundtracks are now available on Steam!
Check out the mega bundle: https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/14153/Circle_Empires_Franc…
Added health packs, rest healing, fixes, quality of life improvements
Our matchmaking system has been in beta in the EU region for about a week now, and we're looking to expand that to other regions SOON™️
Our new update once more brings new units into the fold, as well as a lot of balance changes to prevent games from getting too snowball-ey
Our first DLC, Forces of Nature, is OUT NOW!
Terraform the entire map, play as two new leaders, and check out 20(!) new units!