Icqnt choose tbh uhm
I feel like. They would be a distractor ??? I mean they can extract but they r kinda #fast. But then again they have an ability to fuckign stun twisteds by putting stickers on da ground IDONT FUCJJG KNOW
UPDATE: Jst thought abt it. They r prolly an all-rounder. kinda.
UPDATE AGAIN: idk what the fuck i was thinking HERE ARE FLOPPS STATS
Yea that is. Def an all-rounder sorta
Prolly a distractor ,,
I would say all-rounder but That man prolly cant extract for SHIT ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ he would be rlly slow and jst fuck around w/ the machine instead of yknow. Doin the job and EXTRACTING
He prolly has an active ability like pebbles But instead of barking his Party horn tail extends and makes noise to lure twisteds to him ..... . . .
Extractor ,,,
Idk man that toon would be slow as HELL !!! Some1 get his ass a speed candy or pop or chocolate or IDK SOMETHIGN ,,
He is good at grinding on machines tho like he would get dat shi done in a heartbeat
He probably has an active ability where he takes a picture of the twisted w/ Flash mode on, hurting their eyes and causing them to walk away from him
It would prolly be called sum lame bullshit like Smile For The Camera LMAO
OKAY thanks for watching guys